We are here for your tutoring needs.
We are here for your tutoring needs.
Albert Einstein once said: “if you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough.” Premier Private Tutors pride themselves on their content knowledge and their ability to explain material simply. Different from other tutoring firms, Premier Private Tutoring employs certified teachers who are not only masters of their respective fields, but also know how to
make potentially difficult material understandable.
Premier Private Tutors believe students thrive when high expectations are coupled with a warm and compassionate approach. We believe in nurturing the whole student and building confidence in students' abilities to learn any subject. We utilize a variety of testing strategies to help students quickly eliminate wrong answer choices and arrive at the correct ones. In short, our services aim to provide students with an efficient way to master the content at hand and score highly on assessments, as well as to change students' mindsets from one of self-doubt to one of competence and capability.
Services Offered:
The value of education was instilled in Anna at a young age. There were no strict rules or incentives for high grades; there was just a tacit expectation of academic achievement. Now, as a teacher and private tutor, Anna fosters those same ideals when working with her students. And her students deliver. Anna’s students maintain a 100% pass rate on the Algebra regents exam. Anna consistently earns the highest possible score for student growth based on NYC teacher evaluation metrics. She has helped over 500 NYC students pass their end of year common core state tests. Anna believes that students meet the expectations you have of them; set expectations high, instill confidence in their abilities, and students will flourish.
Education is the one gift that we can offer someone that can never be lost, stolen, or misspent. In that vein, for every client that commits to 10 or more hours of tutoring, Premier Private Tutoring pledges to offer free tutoring to a child in need at an underserved school. A more educated society benefits us all.
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New York, New York 10065